Top 9 – Different Types of Share Capital

The shareholders are responsible for ensuring that the company continues to operate efficiently and effectively. It is need of owners due to its significance to the structure of a limited company and its potential to enhance the business’s standing in the industry. Let us understand the share capital and the types of share capital in this topic.

The term “capital” refers to a company’s assets that are require for its daily operations. The stock market provides a vast array of equity capital to investors. The total value of a company’s shares is refer to as its “share capital”. The terms “capital” and “share capital” are sometimes use interchangeably when discussing businesses. The company’s Memorandum and Articles of Association must contain this information in order to comply with the law.

What is Share Capital?

A corporation can raise more funds by selling equity or preferred stock to the general public. In any event, it is essential to keep in mind that “share capital” might indicate a variety of things depending on the context. This is something you must always keep in mind.

The money a corporation receives from selling shares to the general public and private investors constitutes its share capital. Since a company cannot generate profits on its own, it must sell its shares to investors, often known as shareholders. In exchange for their funds, these investors receive company stock.

The money a company receives from selling shares is refer as “share capital.” This term also refers to the amount of money deposited into the company’s bank account as a result of the sale of shares. The quantity of share capital is not set; it can increase or decrease as new shares are issue.

According to a financial expert, the word “share capital” simply refers to the proceeds from the sale of firm stock. It is essential to remember that the size of a company’s share capital will increase or decrease based on the number of public offerings it conducts.

A company that is not organized as a corporation limited by shares is significantly less likely to have share capital. A business limited by guarantee or an unlimited company, on the other hand, does not have this type of capital.

For instance, businesses known as “joint-stock corporations” sell shares of stock for cash. It is now feasible for members of a business or corporation to incorporate their own legal entity. A company is a limited liability company if its investors are limit to contributing a specific amount of capital (LLC).

Example of Share Capital

The initial selling price of each share was $15, whereas the par value of each share was $10. equivalent to 1,000,000 shares of common stock (ten thousand shares times ten dollars each). The new paid-in capital amount is (10,000 times $5) We end up with $1,500,000 ($1,000,000 plus 50,000).

Types of Share Capital

You can also refer to types of stocks for more knowledge purpose. To perform a thorough analysis of a company, one must have a deep understanding of the many types of equity and the circumstances in which they might be found. Here are some of the several types of share capital:

Authorized Share Capital

The authorised share capital is the maximum amount of money a company is permit to raise from its shareholders through the sale of shares. This amount is record in the organization’s legal documentation. When individuals refer to “Registered Capital” or “Nominal Capital”; they indicate that a corporation is registered with this amount of capital.

Section 2(8) of the 2013 Companies Act states that the Memorandum Clause of the Memorandum of Association establishes the maximum amount of capital that can be obtain. There are no restrictions on the number of shares a company can issue, but it is prohibit to issue more than the maximum authorised. Add Authorized Share to Issued Share to determine the formula.

Issued Share Capital

Issued share capital refers to the portion of the company’s authorize share capital that has been offered for sale to the public. People use allotment, allocation, and issuance to describe the process of distributing shares.

In other words, Authorized Share Capital is the collection of all issued Share Capital. Issued Share Capital is a component of Authorized Share Capital. After receiving the shares, the subscriber will be refer to as a shareholder.

Unissued Share Capital

As previously stated, firms frequently make newly issued stock available to the public. Consequently, their share capitals will be distinct. This will result in the corporation having a different quantity of unissued share capital than before. “Unissued capital” refers to the number of shares of a corporation that have not yet been sold to raise funds for the company.

Subscribed Capital

The proportion of a company’s total issued capital that has been purchase by the public is refer as its subscribed capital. The general public is not require to purchase all of the issued Capital. People have requested shares of the company’s currently available equity.

This is demonstrate by the following instance; A corporation has issued and subscribed for a total of 1,000,000 rupees when it sells 16,000 shares at 100 rupees apiece but only accepts applications for 12,000 of them from the general public. The number of shares held in the company’s treasury is same to the number of shares currently in circulation.

Called-Up Capital

Called-up The whole amount of capital paid for by shareholders is refer as the subscribed capital. The capital is never provided to the business all at once. A portion of the given funds are deduct periodically to cover expenses. The portion of subscribed capital that is not included in financial statements is uncalled capital.

Paid-Up Capital is the same as Called-Up Capital, but it refers to the shareholder’s full payment for their firm share. Shareholders are urge to donate the amount requested by the corporation. There is a possibility that the company will receive fifty percent of the Reserved Capital. This is the amount of money request by the shareholder.

Uncalled Share Capital

When the company’s shares are first offer for sale, financiers are expect to purchase them. However, they are allow to opt out if they so want. When a corporation issues shares that are not purchase, this is refer as “uncalled share capital”. Additionally, this capital is related to the investors’ debts. This is the amount remaining after subtracting the called-up capital from the total number of issued shares.

Reserve Share Capital

Reserve capital refers to the shares of stock that a firm cannot sell without first declaring bankruptcy. Typically, these shares are distribute after a vote in which more than three-quarters of a company’s shareholders approve. Similarly, corporations cannot alter their articles of incorporation in order to change their beliefs. Having reserve share capital simplifies the process of closing a business.

There are several distinct sets of rules governing the usage of reserve capital. This prevents firms from using the funds as security or as ordinary capital. Alternatively, firms can petition the court to overturn the law if they dislike it. There are several factors to consider when calculating a company’s “reserve share capital.”

Fixed and circulating share capital

The proportion of a company’s subscribed capital represented by its circulating share capital. This working capital is derive from several operational assets, including bank reserves and book debt, among others.

These monies pay for the most essential aspects of an organization’s operation. There are numerous ways to determine the value of a company’s fixed assets, including the total amount of money invested in them.


It is prudent to invest in the stock market intelligently. Also, many individuals are unsure of the distinction between the company’s capital and its types of share capital. Total share capital is the amount of money a firm receives from selling stock to investors. In contrast, a shareholder’s share represents the amount of share capital they contributed to the business.