Top Level Management – Examples, Functions, Skills, Roles

Top management is an organization’s highest level. President Director, Finance Director, and Marketing Director. They run the company. They set the company’s long-term strategy, purpose, structure, plan, and budget. These people are called executives and upper-level managers. In this topic we will look into meaning with top level management examples, responsibilities, roles, top level management functions, skills required and more.

Executives can access the organization’s network and information. They’re domain and functional discipline experts. Leadership is crucial to the company’s success. Competent public speakers who understand accountability, trust, honesty, and comfort in a partnership are a plus. Since they have all the cards, they must be good decision-makers.

Meaning of Top Level Management

Executive-level managers design and manage strategic strategies and policies. They mediate top-middle management conflicts. These experts can shape a company’s future. They can manage HR, finance, and marketing. They make sure each division fulfils its goals so the company can grow.

Examples of Top Level Management

There are many executive positions. Board of directors or C-suite describe this group. Their roles have several names. Examples of top level management include:

  • Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
  • Chief Information Officer (CIO)
  • Chief Legal Officer (CLO)
  • Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
  • Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)
  • Chief Operations Officer (COO)
  • Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO)

The President/Director/CEO oversees all other executives. He became CEO and was responsible for the whole company. Other positions are department apexes.

Top Level Management Functions

Every managerial function has a particular amount of influence and status dependent on their place in the organizational structure, which is created by the level of management. Let’s study the top level management functions below.

  • For the organization’s growth and well-being, it falls on the highest leadership. They devise strategies for maintaining the company’s efficiency.
  • Establishing the organization’s objectives. The goals of an organization are established by the highest level of management. Both immediate and distant objectives can be derived from them.
  • Planning tasks for intermediate-level staff. Upper management assigns diverse employees at the middle level of management distinct responsibilities. Step one is amassing all accessible assets (money, property, etc).
  • Plans and policies are still being formulated. The aims, welfare, and survival of the business are all set by the top level management.
  • Upper management is responsible for arranging all of the funds required to conduct daily operations. As a result, the corporation must spend in fixed assets in order to continue operating.
  • External communication, including interactions with government officials. Top-level management remains in touch with stakeholders including regulators, rivals, suppliers, the media, and more. Jobs at the highest level are complex and time-consuming due to the need for meticulous planning and execution.

Skills Required for Top Level Management

The highest levels of management are subject matter experts. They distinguish themselves from middle management by focusing more on conceptual than managerial or technical skills. They are therefore seasoned professionals who have shown themselves throughout time. Their remarkable performance, knowledge, and experience have contributed to their career advancement. The skills required for top level management are as follows.

Administration of Change

In a dynamic business environment, senior-level managers must be proficient at identifying opportunities and risks. Consequently, organizations are better equipped to adapt to shifting conditions and maintain their competitive advantage over time.


Leadership is the process of directing a group or organisation toward a shared objective. The goal is to put yourself in the shoes of others, determine what motivates them, and then inspire and encourage them to act. It may be innate or learned via experience.

Planning Forward

Plans for the organization created by top level management should be prospective. In addition, strategic planning is crucial. Strategic thinking includes the use of critical reasoning to problem-solving and the formulation of long-term objectives.


For instance, CEOs are obligated to share the created plan with their teams in order for it to be implemented. Additionally, external parties, such as supply-chain managers and legislators, are kept informed.


The chief executive officer has the last say on all operational matters. Therefore, they must be able to make sound decisions. Recognizing the need to make a decision includes gathering pertinent information and considering the advantages and drawbacks of alternative solutions.


The term “delegation” is used to describe the act of transferring responsibility for a task from one person to another. It is not as straightforward as delegating responsibilities or allowing low level management staff to make decisions. In addition, it serves as a tool of growth and inspiration for them.

Instruction and Education

To implement their objectives, upper-level managers frequently operate around their teams. They seek committed employees who are also proficient in the abilities required to implement their ideas. And growth is not restricted to a subset of workers; it helps the entire human capital pool.

Equipped with Emotional Acuity

The most effective leaders motivate their people to collaborate and unite behind their ideas. It encourages a culture of high dedication and loyalty among lower-level employees in lieu of a typical system of rewards and penalties.

Responsibilities of Top Level Management

Annually, shareholders vote chief executives into office. Manager duties vary by function and organization. Here are some general responsibilities of top level management below.


Executives develop the organization’s vision, mission, strategy, and policies. In this phase, they determine the company’s long-term goals and devise approaches. Upper management must plan to boost operational efficiency if they want to advance the organization. When preparing, remember

  • An expert must create a practical business strategy. SMART goals can help design upcoming sections (which stand for “specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound”).
  • If you want your plans to succeed, everyone in your organisation must grasp your goals. By working together, employees, managers, and stakeholders can boost productivity.
  • When making plans, it’s important to examine the company’s short- and long-term goals. Sustainable goals help the company’s ambitions.


An executive-level manager’s thoughts must be broken down. To reach their goals, teams must organize and share their strategies. Remember these goals when preparing:

  • Encourage everyone to collaborate and share ideas. If divisions work well together, a business will succeed.
  • Each division must contribute proportionally to the organization’s success. Overworked or underworked specialists won’t exist.
  • Any organization’s success depends on consistent departmental work. Professional consistency can help an organization reach its goals.
  • High-level managers should ensure their teams use all available resources fully. Employee output increases when corporate processes run smoothly.


Top level management must help employees complete their tasks. As division leaders, consider the following:

  • Managers should encourage on-time project completion. One-on-one meetings show employees you care about their professional success.
  • As a group leader, you must assess your self-awareness, leadership, encouragement, and inspiration to lead effectively. Conditions affect your strategy.
  • It’s important to know your leadership style and how to adapt it. Your leadership can help your team reach its goals.
  • If you want your goals and leadership initiatives to succeed, give departments precise instructions and check on them. Set job milestones and ask for feedback on your leadership to provide valuable support.


Coordination, like planning, requires senior management attention. Following guidelines can promote cooperation within an organisation:

  • Top level management plan ahead for easier implementation.
  • Coordination of plans and responsibilities across divisions is crucial to any organization’s efficiency, so things must run smoothly.
  • Personal connections help executives, departments, team members, and stakeholders communicate more effectively. When team members communicate better, everyone understands their roles, objectives, and tactics.


Keeping a company under control helps it achieve its goals. Control principles include:

  • Exempting a company and its employees could speed up problem-solving.
  • Due to the dynamic nature of organizations, leaders must adapt quickly. Variables within a company can change, requiring new strategies.
  • You should know how to handle organizational issues.

Roles of Top level Management

Executives at the top of a company are responsible and influential. They control the company’s operations and ensure its success. Managers set the company’s strategy, company’s mission, strategy, and policies. They also help allocate and mobilize business resources. top level management roles are listed below.

Chief Information Officer (CIO)

The CIO controls the company’s IT infrastructure and data. Every day, they ensure the computers’ flawless operation and analyse data to boost efficiency with new technology. The analysis results can be used to improve the organization’s procedures. A CIO must anticipate technological shifts to keep their company competitive.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

A corporation’s chief executive officer (CEO) is responsible for employing and directing all personnel, as well as administering the business on behalf of the board of directors or the company’s owners. They are also responsible for formulating, delegating, and overseeing the implementation of the organization’s agenda throughout all of its divisions.

With their assistance, profits can be raised because they ensure that everyone is working efficiently. In addition to these responsibilities, a CEO is responsible for communicating with the board of directors and updating them on the company’s progress.

Chief Operating Officer (COO)

The chief operating officer (COO) of a corporation is responsible for overseeing and directing the business’s basic administrative tasks. They are firm employees who report to the CEO. When the CEO represents the company in public, they can call on their experience managing the company’s internal affairs, which is one of their primary roles.

The CEO can share the data acquired by the COO with the public and any interested parties. A person in this role works closely with the CEO to implement the latter’s strategic goal.


Moreover, actions taken by upper-level managers may have ramifications for individuals beyond the organisation. In what method did this occur? Consider the option of conducting business in a sustainable manner. Today, numerous businesses are actively adopting environmentally friendly practices. The ultimate authority to take action in this manner rests with the highest level of management. Now you have good understanding on topic along with top level management examples, top level management functions, responsibilities, roles, skills required and more.